The Star Deck Observatory Gallery

Astronomy Images of The Star Deck Observatory

M81_04022013_LRGB_314L__3m.jpg Messier 64 "The Black Eye Galaxy"ThumbnailsMessier 82 "The Cigar Galaxy"Messier 64 "The Black Eye Galaxy"ThumbnailsMessier 82 "The Cigar Galaxy"Messier 64 "The Black Eye Galaxy"ThumbnailsMessier 82 "The Cigar Galaxy"Messier 64 "The Black Eye Galaxy"ThumbnailsMessier 82 "The Cigar Galaxy"

Acquisition Time is UT

Orion 10" F3.9 Newtonian
Losmandy G11 with Gemini V1.04
LRGB Filters 15 Each sub-frames @ 180 seconds Ea.