The Star Deck Observatory Gallery

Astronomy Images of The Star Deck Observatory

M63_LRGB_03212018_180s.png Messier 51 "The Whirlpool Galaxy"ThumbnailsMessier 64 "The Black Eye Galaxy"Messier 51 "The Whirlpool Galaxy"ThumbnailsMessier 64 "The Black Eye Galaxy"Messier 51 "The Whirlpool Galaxy"ThumbnailsMessier 64 "The Black Eye Galaxy"Messier 51 "The Whirlpool Galaxy"ThumbnailsMessier 64 "The Black Eye Galaxy"

Acquisition Start Time 05:12-(UT)

Skywatcher Quattro 12" F4 OTA
Losmandy Gemini 2 Titan GEM, PHD2 Guiding
RGB Filters: 16 sub-frames each @ 180 Seconds Ea.
Lum Filter 10 subframes @ 180 Seconds Ea.