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Sh2-132 Narrow Band Image in Synthetic RGB (HOO)

Sh2-132 12042020 SRGB (HOO).jpg Sh2-132 processed in the Hubble Pallet SHO (Hubble Pallet)ThumbnailsSh2-236 The TadpolesSh2-132 processed in the Hubble Pallet SHO (Hubble Pallet)ThumbnailsSh2-236 The TadpolesSh2-132 processed in the Hubble Pallet SHO (Hubble Pallet)ThumbnailsSh2-236 The TadpolesSh2-132 processed in the Hubble Pallet SHO (Hubble Pallet)ThumbnailsSh2-236 The Tadpoles

Sh2 132 Narrow Band Image In Synthetic RGB (SRGB)
Assembeled in Ha-1:1, OIII-1:1, OIII-1:1 in Pixinsight

Mark Jordan
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