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Caldwell 65, The Sculptor Galaxy (NGC 253)

NGC253_10102016_300s_iso800.jpg Messier 51 "The Whirlpool Galaxy"ThumbnailsM16 09022016 ics800 4m Messier 51 "The Whirlpool Galaxy"ThumbnailsM16 09022016 ics800 4m Messier 51 "The Whirlpool Galaxy"ThumbnailsM16 09022016 ics800 4m Messier 51 "The Whirlpool Galaxy"ThumbnailsM16 09022016 ics800 4m

All times are in (UT)

Losmandy Titan German Equatorial Mount, Guided (PHD)
Modified F 3.9 Newtonian with Hutech Modified Canon 40D @ 800 ISO
23 Sub-frames X 300 seconds ea. With Astronomik CLS-CCD LPS Clip Filter